新2信用平台出租:欧洲杯英语口语大赛时间 欧洲杯英语口语大赛时间

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Are you ready to showcase your fashion English skills? The Fashion Show English Speaking Contest is just around the corner!

What is it?

The Fashion Show English Speaking Contest is an annual competition that tests the English language skills of those in the fashion industry. Participants compete in a series of challenges that demonstrate their abilities to communicate effectively in both business and creative contexts. This year, the contest is being held virtually, with participants joining from all over the world.

新2信用平台出租:欧洲杯英语口语大赛时间 欧洲杯英语口语大赛时间-第1张图片-皇冠信用盘出租

Who can participate?

The competition is open to anyone who works in the fashion industry, regardless of their nationality or location. Participants may be designers, models, stylists, photographers, journalists, or any other fashion-related professional. The only requirement is the ability to speak English fluently.

What are the prizes?

The grand prize for this year's Fashion Show English Speaking Contest is a trip to attend a major fashion event in New York City, including flights and accommodation. There will also be smaller prizes for runners-up, as well as recognition and exposure for all participants on social media and in fashion industry publications.

Prepare your best English to impress the judges and elevate your fashion career. The deadline for entry is July 31st, so hurry up and enter!


Are you a football enthusiast with great English speaking skills? Join the European Cup English Speaking Contest and show off your knowledge and linguistic talent!

What is it?

The European Cup English Speaking Contest is an online competition that celebrates the passion and fandom of football and the English language. Participants will compete in a series of challenges that demonstrate their knowledge of the sport and their ability to communicate effectively in English.

Who can participate?

The competition is open to anyone who loves football and has a good command of the English language. Participants may be football fans, bloggers, journalists, sports broadcasters, coaches, players, or anyone else with an interest in football and the ability to speak English fluently.

What are the prizes?

The grand prize for this year's European Cup English Speaking Contest is a trip to the UEFA Champions League final, including flights, accommodation, and tickets to the match. There will also be smaller prizes for runners-up, as well as recognition and exposure for all participants on social media and in football industry publications.

Show your love for football and the English language and join the European Cup English Speaking Contest. The deadline for entry is June 30th, so don't miss your chance to participate!

标签: 欧洲杯英语
